Norfolk Textiles

Price Match Guarantee

Norfolk Textiles want to make sure you get the very best price on our products but sometimes you may find the same product elsewhere at a cheaper price. If this is the case we will try to match that price. Please note that the conditions below apply.


This offer applies only to Wallpapers and Fabrics. Oilcloths, Vintage Fabrics or any other products are not included.


Prior to ordering your chosen product, please phone our Sales Department on 01263 586317 or if nobody is available email We will need the following information: ​​​​​​​

  • The name of the Wallpaper or Fabric you wish to order.

  • The name of the website where you have found this product at a more competitive price.

This will enable us to check this information and, if the Terms and Conditions are met, attempt to match the price.

On confirmation of the price we will direct you to the area of the website where we have set up this up for you.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


  • We will only match the prices from official online retail websites. No auction, price comparison sites or marketplace sellers will be considered (such as Amazon, eBay, Gumtree).

  • The product on the competitor's site must be new and identical in every way to the product from Norfolk Textiles (no seconds).

  • The carriage charge will NOT be price matched.

  • The product must be in stock within the exact same timescale as the product from Norfolk Textiles.

  • No batch-dyed products that are discontinued or sold as a clearance item or via an outlet line on a competitor's website will be price matched.

  • The price match guarantee is only valid on the day that you contact us.

  • All prices compared must be against the full order including, for example, the delivery charge.

  • The offer is in no way transferable.

  • We expect that the competitor's website be of the same high calibre as Norfolk Textiles and must display information such as their vat number, customer service phone number, registered address.

  • This offer only applies to orders sent with The UK.